Her changes

Three Days later, Eunice sitting down under the tree in their compound towards evening reading her favorite novel "Adanna the moon Goddess". she was busy in the world of the story when someone tapped her looking up it was Ben.

"Why are you alone reading at this time baby girl?"

She looked up at Ben and adjusted for him to sit down on the bench. "I know you're not happy with me about what happened three days ago, I'm very sorry the way Sonia made me react".

"Look Ben". she suppressed the tears in her eyes and looked directly into his eyes and told him the truth sincerely. "I know we were best friends from childhood, yeah I have liked you since we were younger, but it seems fate has a different thing for us, I can't believe a man on his right sense would be sleeping with his own cousin its an error, I want us to terminate what ever we thought we had, let's end this so I can be free from you".