Episode 36

Marshall was practically courtseying to her something Gabriel really, really hate. "What do you want from me?"

She roared but Marshal whom inwardly was wearing just as false a mask as the princess but he managed to stay polite.. He swallowed and gazed into her eyes and she lowered her gaze unable to look directly into his eyes

"How much do you love my friend?"

he asked a simple but a weird looking question.

No doubt the princess has thought she had some great quotes to use in a piece of dairy but here all escaped her memory..

"You have no right to interfere in our private life".

she managed to say and marshall tightened his grip and she felt a deep pain her expression changed but she refused to whimper. "Such a weak woman". he cursed and Gabriel wondered what woman will not cry only being troubled by a stranger let alone causing her pains and he is calling her weak...