She tried to stop him. "Don't". he warned huskily, and she saw his pupils dilate. No doubt her thought has shown in her eyes, and he was thinking something along exactly the same, he lifted her and lay her down on the bed.

All he had to do was dip his head slightly and he was kissing her again. Teasing her, tasting her, inciting her to taste him, touch him in return. And Lord, she wanted to touch.Taste.feel him filling her she swallowed hard .

What ever was wrong with her? she never, but never turned into a lust-crazed maniac. For the last years she had been single and perfectly sad chasing her best friend in that situation.

she had no intention of getting involved again.

But this man had drown an instant response from her.

Made her feel the way nobody has before.

Which, as he was a total stranger, was insane .

This shouldn't be happening. His eyes glittered with amusement as his thrust intercepted her brain causing her loose every bit of control..