Caught up on the track

He pressed his lips against hers and his hands skillfully moved into her body.. her wailing filled the air all she wanted was more... she was still seated on him with her clothes on and his hot breaths sent shivers down her body.. she grasped his hair and kissed him hungrily...

He could feel her need in the kiss, and in the way her hands eagerly touched him.She had no patience and he was loosing it..

Gently she raised her hands above her head so he could easily take off her gown and her boobs popped up hard just in front of him.. he grasped her hair and grabbed her boob with his free hand and then kissed and licked a path down her throat. His hands went to explore her body Eunice shuddered in his arms. Her hands clutched his back.

He turned her over so she lay on her back Lucian ran his hands in between her thighs and she clasped her thighs tightly.