Episode 76

"You gotta sleep now I should be on my way". Eunice stared at him after some minutes of resting And touched his face... "Spend the whole night with me". she requested seriously.... Lucian smiled... "You're tired Eunice and you need rest I will hug you to sleep now". he cuddled with her till she'd slept peacefully before leaving her room.

That night he proceeded on that lonely journey and heeled past many mountains but reaching a point he got tired and slowed down can be easily attacked now... slowly he pulled up to a tree and slumped under the tree and dosed tiredly... Everywhere was quiet except the noise of the birds of the earth... but then he heard slow noises around him and sat up... these people followed him he smirked and slowly left the area continuing his journey with a credited speed sighting far he knew he was in the kingdom of ekah his own breed was rare and he can see in darkness..