In search of Tamara

Before Tamara could enter inside someone pushed her inside and next second she was pinned to door.




In afternoon at Rosemary Casa,

“Mrs. Allen we can’t do anything right now, young master need to have something before taking fever medicine” said Doctor

“ But he is not ready to eat anything” said Rosemary in a helpless voice.

“Mrs. Allen take this medicine if he eats something give him, all I could say is children’s are like mirror they reflect what they see. We adult hide our emotions but children are soo pure and reflect everything.

As your family doctor I know what Ember needs and even you know that" said Doctor and took his leave.

Rosemary’s eyes become teary looking at pale face of Ember who was sleeping with dried trails of tears on his face.

She walked out and dialed a number,

“Where are you??” asked Rosemary with rage reflecting in her voice.

“What happened mom?? Is everything fine??” said Caspian from otherside.