Seeing Shawn

The remaining day went like wise with Tamara spending her at Rosemary Casa. Next day was weekend, Ember always had a off from classes on weekends. Tamara decided to see Shawn at his address that she got from college.

She did her morning routine and was about to leave,

"Lovey, where are you going??" asked Ember walking with Rosemary.

"Actually, I have to see a student of mine from university so just going there" said Tamara.

"When will you come back?? I want to go for dinner with you" said Ember with eyes shining in excitement.

"I will be there by lunch, it won't take much time" said Tamara smiling warmly and kissed on Embers head.

She waved him and set off for her quest to see Shawn. She took the cab and asked the driver for address. It was not so far from there it took hardly 15 min to reach there. Tamara's eyes popped out looking at location.