Are you my wife???

Three of them talked for a while, Tamara took a note of time on her wrist watch and said,

" I think I should leave now" said Tamara

"Why so early wait for a while." said Shawn he wanted Tamara to stay with him a little longer, the lone mansion was completed with her feminine presence.

"Yes, have lunch with us. We rarely get such sweet guests" said Jeremy warmly.

"Actually I promised someone to meet at lunch" said Tamara

Jeremy and Shawn both become little sad, but Jeremy didn't lose his hope.

" Your boyfriend must be lucky to have you" said Jeremy .

Tamara shook her head giving a small smile and said " Sorry...... but I am single and the person I have promised is a child whom I tutor"

With both father and son took relieving breath, " Okay, then please do have lunch with us in future. Shawn has good hand in dessrets" said Jeremy

" Sure, I will. See you soon" said Tamara and Shawn followed her till outside and bid goodbye.