3 Months of Contract marriage

Ember always liked her company and was the one who never wanted Tamara to leave, but now he himself was saying such things.

“Lovey, I am going to stay with mom and uncle Harris. Today afternoon grandpa got a white envelope from a place called court.

Everyone was saying that my Dad is alone so court place is sending to mom as she is living with uncle Harris” said Ember.

Tamara now slowly started to get things, from Linda’s last night’s statement to the courts custody thing. But she was still in daze, why does Linda out of the bloom wanted Ember’s custody?? The main point of her concern was what will Caspian do if Linda took Ember away from him.

She looked at the innocent face of Ember who was sad and disheartened. His eyes were pleading to Tamara to make everything well back again. To bring back those happiness and joys into his family. After long time he was getting love of complete family and on very next day everything changed like beautiful dream was broken.