
Tamara couldn’t even think, what was actually happening to her. She turned so weak to keep herself in standing position. If not Caspian was holding her she would definitely fall. She found her body turning warmer with all her muscles loosing their tone.

Caspian deepen the kiss tilting his head more on Tamara’s lips. Tamara closed her eyes trying to take some air from her nose, but as soon as closed her eyes she saw a face which made her realize what was happening to her was forbidden. She saw Shawn and those eyes reflecting his trust and belief on her. She immediately pushed Caspian away and stood far away from him at the corner.

The tears of guilt ran down her eyes, she never thought she could do anything such to betray Shawn but this condition made everything worst. Caspian when saw lips bruised and swollen lips, felt ashamed of his intolerance towards his desires. He looked towards her eyes which were tightly close with tears running down.