Unowned loss

Taking blessings from elders both Tamara’s and Shawn’s wedding date got fixed for next week’s Friday which was 10 days ahead.

“As our gift, we would like to sponsor wedding dress” said Victor raising his glass.

“Yes, and we will sponsor wedding as we couldn’t get any chance to do anything for our neice" said Mr. and Mrs. Hughes.

“So, does anything left for you to achieve in this life??” asked Mrs. Brown teasing Tamara.

“Let me think…….. “ Tamara pretended of thinking deeply until Scarlett slapped her head.

“You ungrateful pet!! Don’t become this greedy” said Scarlett

“Yes!! You aren’t doing anything for my wedding” said Tamara and raised her eyebrows at Scarlett.

“What are expecting from me Miss Alexan?? Should I gift you honeymoon package” said Scarlett sarcastically which Harris used successfully to tease Tamara more.