Lost herself when found her everything

“Why?? Why do you wanted to hurt when I was not even related to you??? What the hell you got hurting me??” asked Tamara. Her question was simple but their answer will definitely make her life complicated again.

Linda looked down with a silence then raised her head making an eye contact with Tamara, this time Tamara also felt truth coming from this vicious lady.

“Because I didn’t got what you got" said Linda

“And what’s that thing which made you stoop this low" asked Tamara with her eyes narrowed.

“Love!!” said Linda with a painful smile on her face.

“What????” Tamara quivered because of ambiguous answer from her.

“Yes, he loved you like an obsession. His obsession was always your safety and happiness. He changed himself for you, he left all his bad habits in your love he is still a big crazy one guy for you.