His determination in fear

It was the most awaited day, the day of Tamara and Shawn’s wedding everyone was busy with their preparations so was Tamara.

“God!! Where is this pink panther Shawn have been waiting for him since an hour. Is he himself stitching the suit??” said Scarlett as she walked inside Shawn’s room and saw him still sitting in his casuals.

“Scarlett, I need to ask you something” said Shawn and stopped her from doing whatever she was doing.

“Yes, please ask fast I many other works to look after” said Scarlett and sat infront of him.

“Tamara appears little off ever since she returned from Allen’s. What do you think??” asked Shawn

“Yes, I have seen her being lost for awhile and that’s because she misses them you know she even calls Harris as AD like she use to call Caspian while fighting. Its normal for her she use to call my mom as mom when she lost her mother. “ said Scarlett and her mobile ringed she picked it up and walked outside attending the call.