Honor of lover

“Dare you think of any woman, I will make you sterile and then you won’t be able to even dream of fucking any woman" said Tamara and Caspian’s eyes watered with a smile curving up on his lips he couldn’t believe that she came here for him.

Suddenly his smile faded with the thought, what was she doing here when she must be getting married to Shawn??

“Signora??.... I mean….. what are you doing here?? Isn’t it your wedding day?? Where is Shawn??” he asked trying to get up but was useless with Tamara sitting on his chest.

Tamara again served him another slap on another cheek of Caspian, this slap was more painful for Caspian his cheeks were burning, he appeared like he will cry any second. Tamara leaned down slowly looking into his eyes and kissed his cheek which was paining,

“Idiot how can I marry without my groom, Caspian why did you do this?? Why did you change yourself??

Now its your punishment to tolerate me and my endless love" said Tamara softly looking into his eyes.