A whistle.

It was night time Jeremy and Adrena were waiting for dinner to be served by killing the time watching cartoons. Shawn came and saw the cartoons running over screen and the two grown up people watching it like it was a national issue.

"What so special in this monkey that my all grown up father and my lady are watching it with soo much concentration??" Said Shawn leaning on couch from behind exactly were Adrena was sitting.

Adrena flinched with his sudden action and turned her head blinking her doe eyes innocently. Shawn smiled looking at her cute actions,

"It's nothing actually, nothing good was on other channels so we were just killing time with this" said Jeremy

"Well there's a good news!!" said Shawn taking his seat next to Adrena.

"What??" asked Jeremy

"Officer Park is getting married tomorrow and that too with Harris. We are invited" said Shawn

"Woww!! But why so fast and sudden" said Jeremy