Two Months

"It's been fucking two month's !! Why can't you guys cure her!!" Shawn shouted on top his lungs making every object shake in fear.

"Tell meee!!! Before I cut your tongues!!" Shawn roared loudly feeling irritated with silence of team expert doctors treating his bunny.

Adrena had been unconscious ever after her surgery, there is no moment in her. Shawn has kept the best doctor of city for her care, but there was no sign of recovery. He brought her in his home along with medical team and equipments.

The cool and calm Shawn had become a volcano going through pains and guilt looking at Adrena’s motionless body. He was now helpless, incomplete, broken, lonely and in darkness. He was waiting for his bunny to pull him out from all darkness with her bright smile. He was waiting for her to hug him tight and kiss him like a baby.