Pampering day

It was THE PAMPERING DAY as decided by Tamara and Scarlett. Both got ready and headed together to the hall mansion to boost Adrena’s mood as she was still feeling low after recovering from side effects of drug. Tamara and Scarlett were greeted with Jeremy,

"What a pleasant surprise to have two would be mothers. How are you kids??" asked Jeremy with a warm smile.

" I am as usual rocking and this witch is as usual bore" said Scarlett moving her hands in air.

"Shut up, you dumb woman. Otherwise I promise to make your child disown you" said Tamara

"Woohhh!!!..... having high blood pressure is not good in this condition. Come first have a seat" Jeremy made them comfortable and asked Bethany to prepare a fresh juice for them.

"Uncle where is Adrena?? " asked Tamara

"Actually she is still weak and is having physiotherapy. She will be here in no time" said Jeremy

"That's pretty nice, and where is Shawn??" asked Scarlett