Meanings of love


When Ahad come back to his house first he met with his dad and than go to his room to take rest.

Now he is lying in his bed and thinking about Nabia.Just thinking about her smiling face a very rear genuine smile come to his face.

But remembering about the conversation between him and Zahid this smile fade away.And now he Questioning himself.

"What is love?"

"Do I really know the meaning of love?"

"Do I really deserve her love?"

"Will I become a good life partner?"

"Will I come out of this sex addiction?"

"Will I able to make her happy?"

Ahhhhhhh.Its frustrating. I can't take this anymore.You Zahid are you even my bestie.You are a evil sole.How I gonna make her fall for me without hurting her? I really don't know.

I don't know the definition of love but I am sure the feelings I have for her I never feel that before.I love her. And I want her love for me.And for this I gonna work hard. Just you wait for me baby.I will come for you. You are mine.