Hotness overloaded Part 1

"I am ready,hubby." Nabia said.

Hearing hubby from her sweet voice Ahad lost his all sanity and attack her like a hungry lion.He is kissing her like he want to eat her.His kiss was dominant and neddy. He enter his tongue inside her mouth and devour her all taste.The smell in her body making her crazy.

Nabia also tried to kiss him back.Today his touch is different cause today he is breaking his all boundary.And this is thing making her crazy.She caresses her hands over his well toned body and earning a goans from him."Hmmmm."

She smile in between their kiss but moans when he squeezed her peaches."Ahhh....mmmm."

They left eachother and gasping for air.

Looking at eachother eyes both again start kissing and after a long kiss they separated.Ahad buried his face on the crook of her neck and started his sweet torture.Nabia moans loudly when he bite on her sensitive spot. "Ahh...mmmmm."

Ahad kissing,licking, sucking,biting all over her body and marking her as his. She is his,only his.