Wedding gift


Next day in Russia,Ivan & Zara are still sleeping and it’s already noon.Zara is sleeping on the top of Ivan and Ivan is holding her waist tightly.

Ivan wake up first and now he is observing his wife's sleeping face and tracing his finger on her back.Both of them are naked and their naked body covered by a comforter. Feeling Ivan's touch Zara moans in her sleep and Ivan become excited hearing her sweet voice.He strated touching her body and an unbearable desire wake up inside Zara's body.She open her eyes and look at the culprit who is now torturing her body.

"Stop it,Ivan." Zara slapped off his hand and tried to get down from top of him.

"What, baby?" Ivan said and tighten his grip on her waist and started kissing her neck.

"Hmmm please." Zara tried to suppressed her moans.

"Please what?" Ivan said and bite on her shoulder.

"Ahh you beast." Zara hissed in pain.