Chapter 89: Never disobey his words

"You are saying that killing me will solve your problem, right? But how?" Rose asked her this. She could not understand what was her fault in this. It was Noah who played with Naile's feelings, not Rose.

"You are the only strong evidence left in this case, Rose. If I kill you today, no one will ever be able to prove in the court that Noah kidnapped you. You see, you stayed with him for six years, who will believe that he kept you forcefully with him for that long when there is Video evidence that you were roaming around with his mother happily in the mall and Noah took care of Josh like his own son. No one can ever prove that he kept you forcefully with him if you become dead." Naile's voice was cold.

"What about secretary Denny?" Rose knew secretary Denny was a very important witness in her case and it was only because of him, her case was strong.

"I killed him too...." Naile laughed very loud after saying this to her.