Chapter 98: "You are an evil man"

Rose and Helena came there with Josh behind them....

Grandpa Amos Hill noticed them there but overlooked and said this to Aidan,"If you resign will have to leave this luxurious powerful life too with your position. You will no longer be part of the Hill family and you will have to leave this place without having a penny in your hand....Are you willing to sacrifice this much for that poor girl?" Grandpa was tasting how far his grandchild can go for Rose...He knew what Aidan will chose today, he was ready for it....

"Yes....I will. I will leave everything behind for her today...I choose her..." Aidan said this to grandpa without thinking about it twice... his voice was cold, it was filled with confidence....he meant his every word.

Grandpa heard his voice, and knew Aidan was determined, he will made his words come true...

Grandpa looked at Helena who was standing behind Aidan and gave her a look. It was a signal. He wanted her to stop Aidan....