Chapter 125: His cold face

Her head was aching again after seeing Jack's face. Something was really suspicious about him...Rose thought this in her head while looking outside the glass window.

Aidan looked at her face and hold her hand with his warm touch...

Rose was lost in her thoughts but came back to her senses after getting this touch from him.

She looked at him and smiled...

Her face looked looked like she was suppressing something..She was trying really hard for hiding herself from him...but he caught her acting easily.

"Are you feeling unwell again?" Aidan asked her.

"No...I'm fine." She hid both her pain and thoughts....and acted like she was fine.

She looked away from him after this for hiding her true feelings..

Aidan knew she was lying...something was odd...Why she was hiding things from him suddenly? She never did this before...then why now!

He decided to give her some space for now and try to have inquiry on this later.

After reaching home,