"Woh woh woh! What's wrong with you?" She literally jumped over me, I ha a tough time balancing myself without falling on my back. She was hugging me so tight, I was feeling like I'll crush in between her hug if she doesn't leave me soon. She doesn't appear to be so strong, what did she have in breakfast today?
"Hey! What's wrong with you?" I asked patting on her shoulder. She didn't say anything and in fact started shaking her head vigorously. I noticed her sweating, is she okay? Has some thing happened to her? But she isn't saying anything either, how am I supposed to know what's wrong with her?
"If you don't say what's wrong with you, I'll walk out leaving you alone." I tried to scare her, maybe she'd say something now. But my attempt went in vain, she still didn't answer anything to me.
"Leave, I'm going out." I tried to break the hug but she hugged me even tighter. She'll surely kill me today.
"Please don't leave me... please..." she said stammering.