"Everyone's here?"
"Yes senior!"
"Alright. So we're going to play games today. Let me tell you something, some of these games are to be played in a team whereas some are to be played as a pair. And when I say a pair, I want all of you to be the partner I had chosen for everyone of you yesterday."
Oh shoot! That means I'd have to play with this idiot? Hell! Ugh... Why did I even go to call dad at that moment? Why didn't I wait until senior paired everyone?
"Can't we avoid playing games in pair?" He raised question in front of everyone glaring at me. Like really? He's insulting me in front of everyone when I should be the one to say that. How dare he? This time it's not me who started all of this, I ain't stopping now.
"Yes senior, can we please avoid it? I don't want to ruin my mood at all. You have to think for poor people like me who've got noisy partner."