Are you not happy?


I don't know what came into my mind at that instant. She looked absolutely unhappy and sad, the tears didn't go unnoticed by me. I knew this shouldn't be the way things should have been.

I've always seen her all smiles and happy on her birthdays. Maybe that is why, I felt really odd looking at her state right now.

I didn't know what to say or how to react. All I wanted right now was to make her smile. I mean, nobody deserves to cry on their birthday. And she honestly doesn't look good while crying. She's good when she fights, that suits her.

When I was getting helpless about the situation, I realized that I still had a bag in my hand.

That's when I got an idea, thankfully I had got a candle and matchbox as per Nova's order. The matchbox was almost wet but I managed to strike it anyways.

"Happy Birthday Piggy."

I wished her with the pastry in my hand. I was sitting in front of her, not sure if she'd be happy about it or smash the same pastry on my face.