

I woke up after a very good nap. I must admit it, this is one of the finest mornings of my life. Yesterday's night still feels like a dream, a happy dream which I really want to live with forever.

I was doubting over myself a minute ago but then he convinced me to give a second chance just like that! Maybe he's right, maybe things will work out between us.

"What is making you smile so wide Kenny darling?" I was startled a little when Aly suddenly hugged me from side. As we stayed back at Keith's place last night, Aly and I settled at the same room.

"You woke up?"

"That's not the answer to my question. Tell me, what is making you smile so wide? And remember, I am your best friend as well as soul sister. So don't you dare lie to me."

Of course, there's no way I can lie to her. And honestly, I know she's the only one who can help me in this.

"I won't hide anything from you Aly. Actually, Noah and I..."

"Did you guys started dating?"