I was praying that the bouquet would land upon me and God was grateful to fulfil my wish. I was lucky enough to get the bouquet. Everyone seemed to be surprised, maybe they thought I had already proposed Aly and hence this was nothing new. But for me, it was indeed a big deal.
I walked upto her, Aly and hold her hand. I walked towards the centre of the hall and kneeled down in front of her.
"I know I have already proposed you and you asked for some time. But this boyfriend of your cannot wait anymore to be your husband. I know I may sound selfish but I really want to marry you as soon as possible.
And look, even the god has given the sign. I know your mom and dad are important to you and I promise, I will always support you and your parents in every stage of life. I know you always adore your parents and want relationship like theirs. So, lets start it off from where Uncle Edward and Aunty Nancy did.
Alyssa Collins, will you marry me?"