She is William's Jailer


Hey, guys I have chosen this plot because I want to share the hard work and effort and blood every farmer spend just to grow one seed. As i to belong to one farming family.

We should respect the food and the farmers effort behind the every single bit we eat. You will see more in my story. I am going to show more of the South Indian cultural, and it's beauty in this. So people who want to know the cultural can surely go through. And I bet it won't disappoint you.

I will post the related pictures in community , and even in my insta account.

" author_nivi".

Hope you enjoy and met me know if you are from framer's family. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Far away from America. Let's go to a small village in Tamil Nadu, South India.

A beautiful sunrise, and village more looking like a heaven with greeny around. Children jumping and playing around in pond early in the morning. Farmers, harvesting the field. (For Indian farmers agriculture is their GOD. They will live for it and die for it. Well, are the 24×7 people working for our food. )

If we land there we can sense the peace and relaxation. The bird singing the water falls was like music, to those singing. The muddy smell and fresh breeze that would blow our mind, in clamness. With bells in Temple. And mantras chanted for God. This is how a perfect morning should be. Any outsider can fell in love with this village.

And at the center of the village , lies the head of village, Mr. Selvam' s home . He is one of the reputated man in the village. He is not educated neither he is rich, but his family his agriculture the cows and the village is his wealth.

Everyone in the village, would obey his orders. If anyone tried to break the rules if the village they would be thrown away from the village. if people had any problem they would fund a way to Selvam's house, for his wisdom.

And this Selvam has his mother: Lakshmi; wife: Meena and daughter: Parvati ( the one) and a son: Vishnu. ( guy's these are Indian names , you can find it little difficult while reading.)

His family all obeyed his words. And no one dare to say against him. He was close to his daughter. Parvati, never does anything to offend him. She wanted to study well for earning a good name to her dad. On the other hand his son, Vishnu only goes for fight and agriculture. He never that mind to study. He had a rude and angery nature.

Meena, Selvam's wife was a sweet and emotional lady. She always do what her husband and mother-in-law says.

Lakshmi, his mother is really a cold women with spiritual believe. She doesn't like Parvati. And always finds a reason to say scold her and beat her.

Let's come on Parvati, she is funny girl. And always begin happy even with little thing and adjust with them. Never complained about her fate.

She has a friend kutti ( means small ). Kutti always stay with Parvati , she has no one in the world except Parvati.

More than a friend they share a sister bond. Parvati love her family and her village. She was the cutest in the village. Everyone there Loved her, because if her matured mind.

" amma I am going to college " Parvati said. ( guys they ate speaking in Tamil, I am showing it in English).

" paro ( Nick name for Parvati) take care come back quickly. Don't run around in village with kutti , or else get the kicks" her mom said.

" ok Amma, bye " she said and ran away. Her college is outside the village, she has to walk a mile to reach there.

On her way she saw kutti, her best friend.

" akka ( means big sister in Tamil), there is so many Mangoes in Ram uncle's tree. " kutti said.

" really , come let's go " she said and they both went to steal those Mangoes. Well Parvati is not a that good girl. She is a mango thief. She climbed the tree like a monkey and plucked some mango and put it in her bag. She is a boy in girl form. But Ram uncle saw it.

" hey you ar again stealing from my tree" Ram uncle said and took a stick to beat her but Parvati and kutti ran from there. This was daily habit.

She reached college, just a second before the bell ringing. Sat in her class and concentrated in studies. she want to before a officer and promote her village development.

" hey man , that girl is not even looking at you. Why are you wasting for teenage behind her. " one boy said to Arjun.

Arjun is Parvati's classmate, who has a crush on her ,but never told her. He just stalk her.

Parvati knows it but never gave a damn to him. She never loved anyone. She just want to stay pure for the only man in her life , her dream Husband. She has so many dreams about him. Sure is she gonna jail Williams in her cage and make him fall for her deep. If she doesn't do it , universe is definitely gonna make them meet.

There beautiful village, was gonna face a dark cloud soon. That is gonna change Parvati's life up side down, but even more beautiful.

" what are you saying sir , please check it again". Selvam, Parvati's dad was talking to a government officer.

" yes , selvam. A multinational company name WILLIAMS CONSTRUCTION LTD is going to take over our village. And they are going to build a new company here. " the officer said.

" what sir, don't you know. That if that company comes here they will destroy the village and your farming. What will we do than, it is the main source of living. " selvam said worried. ...

" I am trying my best, brother. This is my home too but those people are so rich and have government support. Tommorow few of them will come for check the resources here. We will talk to them. " The officer said consoling Selvam.

Selvam was broken, he told everyone in the village. Everyone was scared but he assured them.

Next day, few luxurious cars arrived in the village. Those people have never seen a car like this. Kids were running behind the car, touching it, and dreaming to ride on it.

They stopped and men came out wearing coat and shirt. They didn't took any permission from anyone and started digging holes in the ground to check the under water source.

Well it was happening in Ram's , farming field.

Soon the news spread in the village. Selvam went to those officers and started enquiring about there business, and the argument started. He asked to see their boss.

Vishnu, was so Angery he didn't had any patience, he never likes anyone questioning his dad. He took a stone and threw it at one the the officer , the villagers where more angery and broke the glass of there car.

" what are threatening us, you don't know what we can do to you and this piece of shit. Our boss lives in America. And how will you illiterate people speak with him. In English " one employee said and laughed.

Selvam controlled the village, his son and said " I want to meet your main head that WILLIAMS, ask him to come here I will talk to him. If he doesn't I will take it to higher officers and they can even cancel your project here. And If you say anything Stupid about us again you won't go alive from here. " he said.

on the other side.

" what nonsense. You can't even shut the mouth of those villagers. Don't call yourself as my employer.

" sir we tried hard, but there is a man. All the villagers are with him. We can't do anything against him. And he wants to see you. Sir. "

" what do you want me to come and see him. He is not even of my standards " Williams hung the phone.