Preparation for reception

Hi guys❤️❤️❤️

I will be posting the pictures on community. And if you are new here you can check those on my insta account (author_nivi).


" what "

" it means you are really Married... and all those rumors about you are true.." one said.

And William nodded his, head..

They looked at Parvati. A simple girl with innocent face standing beside a man , whom people call ogre..

Williams snapped his finger on them and brought them back to reality.

All three of them looked at Parvati from top to bottom.

Her face , simple saree And her wavy hair.

" paro meet them.. they are designers.. The two girls Betty and Karen. And my friend Gary. " Williams said..

Gary moved forward for a shake , but Parvati greeted him joining her hand..

Williams smiled brightly on this..

the other two girls saw him smiling and looked at each other....