Honey Moon 1 : she is so innocent..

Hi guys❤️❤️❤️


I will be posting the pictures on community. And if you are new here you can check those on my insta account (author_nivi).

Guys , I think all of you are excited for Williams and Paro , Honeymoon...

And most of you wanted Williams to show the world to paro because she hasn't seen any.. Coming to Taj Mahal is just a first step.. he is definitely gonna show her the world.. and Paro is gonna enjoy it.

Thank you.

It was so rush outside , with little traffic...

The car entered a gate and everything went quite...

For distance there was no one near by except trees and garden.. Williams kept driving in and stopped the car, in front ot a small house..opened the door... for paro..

took her into the house... That is already ready prepared by.. Ken.. It was a small house... As paro demand...

With modern interiors and smart space management..