Gender fight.

It was getting dark, so Williams decided to go and give this Happy news to his family, Tommorow..

He was so close to paro not letting her far away from him, cause She was feeling dizzy..

He made her dinner and fed it to her, Specially for his princess..

" Williams ,I am full. I want to sleep. l" Paro said and she laid on the bed..

" No just two more bit. I don't want my baby girl to starve " Williams said and pulled her up.

" since when you started calling me that " Paro asked..

" I am not calling you, you are my queen paro. I little baby girl is inside you. I in want you to eat so you and her can be healthy. " Williams said softly..

But someone else was jealous..

" how do you know it's a girl.. I know it's a boy there. " paro spoke in irritation..

Williams looked at her, for a moment.

" how do YOU know it's a boy. it's a girl in there. " Williams made his defense..