I want to hold you.

William Rostov

“hey baby girl Are you awake”. I said by slowly patting her as she was lying on me.

“hmmmmm” she said as she was trying to normalize her breathing.

“did I hurt you emotionally or in any other way”. I asked her by trying to see her face. But she has hid her face in my neck. So I was not able to see her face.

“No I enjoyed it. It was awkward and embarrassing as hell but the sensations were wow”. She replied.

“did you never pleasure yourself”. I asked her.

“Ummmmm No”. And I laughed hard.

“oh what saint wife I got. Do not worry you have a wonderful teacher to lead”. I said.

“ Oh I have no idea about wonder full teacher but I am very well aware of the pervert teacher who have very dirty fantasies”. Oh I always love her witty comments.

“oh wife all my fantasies are about you and I want to experience them only with you”. I actually gave her some king of promise because of recent unfaithful act.