Cock Block

Hazel Michelson

He got discharged today. And now we are going home. He is still not fully recovered but he is much better now.

After reaching the Rostov mansion I helped him getting laid on the bed.

“ Wife go wear it” he said immediately after getting laid on the bed. I rolled my eyes at his desperation.

“Not now. First eat something”. I spoke.

“you promised me?” he complained with a sad face.

“I did and I will fulfil it but now you will eat something. Then you will take a good sleep. because this shifting back from hospital exhaust you completely. Then I will fulfil my promise”. I spoke and he looked irritated.

“you are such a cold-hearted person”. He said by turning his face away. And I laughed at him.

After getting soup from the kitchen, I returned to my room. He turned his face away after seeing me. I sat beside him on the bed. Then I laid a towel on his front. Then I filled the spoon with soup and brought it near to his lips but he did not open it.