Drunk games

Hazel Michelson

We were on the dance floor when William said into my ears.

“Baby we have to go for a little while” he shouted in my ear due to loud music.

“Go where”? I also shouted back.

“ there is my office at the back of the club. Something came up to deal with so I have to go”. He said.

“you own this club”? I asked him with surprise.

“No baby I own every club in this whole city and I will be back here in a short time. Till then enjoy yourself and take care okay. I will be back soon”. He said and left after kissing my cheeks. Aiden and Rafael went with them.

“Oh god I am so thirsty. Lets drink something”.

I came back to the bar section with Eve and Kat to get something to drink.

“ hey give us the strong one”. I said to the bartender and he nodded.

“Okay come on ladies lets have a little game. The one have to expose a little secret or to drink this”. I said and to them and they both smiled.