Exploring new teritories

Hazel Michelson

We laughed while eating pasta in the lounge. After eating pasta we decided to watch a movie.

He cleaned our plates and made two cups of hot chocolate for us and I played the movie. Then he brought the blanket from upstairs and placed it on the couch. We get laid on the couch and played the movie.

My legs were in his lap and he was drying small circles on my legs. After a moment I realized that he was not watching movie at all. He was continuously staring at me.

“Are you not watching?” I asked him.

“No I am watching more interesting things”. He said and pulled the blanket over my breasts.

“You can watch and I will watch you” he said and I shrugged my head in disbelief.

I am not enjoying the movie at all. All my attention was towards him so I switched off the movie and moved closer to him.

“What you wanna do then”? I asked him with a smirk.

“A more interesting things”. He said with a smile.

“like what? Can you be more specific?” I asked him with a smile.