Note: This chapter contains violence read at your own risk.


The car stopped in front of a deserted and abandoned house. Dylan and Grayson stepped out of the car and entered the house. There was pin drop silence. Dylan went directly into the torture room.

There was a man in the room tied up on the chair. He was severely bruised. He had multiple wounds all over his body. It was difficult to see his face because of blood covering his face. The man was unconscious.

Dylan took the bucket filled with boiling water placed near the chair and threw the boiling water on the man infront of him.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" the man whimpered in pain. His vision was still blurry as his eyes were swollen but he knew who it was.

"Good morning Mr. Christopher." Dylan greeted the man with a smirk and sat on the chair infront of the man. He then added sarcastically " It is nice to see you again. I hope my people treated you well."

"You're a devil. You are a monster in form of human." shouted Christopher with all his energy.

"Relax Mr. Christopher relax. Save your energy you will be needing it later." said Dylan with a calm face. It was the calmness before the storm.

" You killed my wife my children you took away everything from me. You want me to calm down. You son of a bi*ch." shouted Christopher and spit on Dylan's face.

Dylan kept calm but one of his men took out a cutter from pocket and crafted a deep D on Christopher's neck. He screamed in pain. Blood started flowing from the his neck.

"You're mistaken Christropher. I didn't kill your family you killed your own family. You betrayed me and everything has a price and you paid the price." said Dylan maintaining straight face.

"Your time will come Dylan. Karma will hit you back just wait and watch." Christopher yelled

"Shut the fu*k up. If you tell me what I want to know I might go easy on you." shouted Dylan.

"Never bastard. I have nothing to lose now." He was still in immense pain tears were flowing from his eyes but he managed to reply.

Hearing him Dylan stood up from his seat and looked directly in his eyes and said

" Torture him till he beg for death. Then kill him and cut his body into small pieces and feed them to dogs." The men nodded.

After hearing Dylan he started yelling on the top of his lungs

" You can't do that please please please....."

Christopher could see cruelty in Dylan's eyes. There was no mercy in them.

Dylan didn't pay attention to his words. He just laughed and left.


Dylan changed his clothes. He wore a 3 piece black suit with black shoes and silver watch. He was looking like a Greek God. After changing he left for his office.

When he stepped into his office building everyone stopped talking. They greeted him good morning but he didn't greeted them back. He could see fear in their eyes some of them were even shaking from fear. He ignored them and went straight to his private VIP lift which took him to his office which was on floor number 70 the top floor of the building. Grayson accompanied him. No one from the staff was allowed there except Grayson.

Dylan entered his office. It was a spacious and beautiful room with black and gray interior which matched his personality. There was a big window. On one side of the room there was a big sofa and a table. On the other side was a book shelf. In the center there was a glass table with a laptop and file placed on it. And a comfortable big black chair behind the table.

Dylan took off his coat and sat on his chair. He stared at the file for a second before opening it. He then opened the file and started reading. His facial expressions changed with time as he read more and more. Finally a smile appeared on his face

"Hmmmmm interesting......."


Author's Note:


Guys I'll try my best to update two chapters daily if not two then at least I will update one chapter daily.

This is my first story and I need your support. Please try to give feedback.

Thank you!!!
