Dylan started taking long steps to match with her speed. Suddenly Amelia stopped in front of some bushes.

Dylan was unable to understand what was happening. He asked for the last time.

"WHAT HAPPENED AMELIA ?? " he was furious now.

"I saw a puppy here...." replied Amelia she was looking around for the puppy.

Dylan was astonished.

"You stopped the car for a puppy on the side of the road ?? " asked Dylan in shock.

"Yesss Mr. Dylan yesss. I stopped the car for a puppy because it's cold here and we have to rescue him. NOW CAN YOU PLEASE SHUT UP as I can't find him...." yelled Amelia.

Just then there was a little movement in the bushes.

"He is in the bushes..."

Amelia said with a spark in her eyes.

She went near the bushes but the puppy was not coming out.

"Come on little guy....come to me I won't hurt you. We are here to rescue you..." Amelia said to the dog.

Seeing her talking to a dog Dylan started laughing. Amelia gave him a death stare and he stopped laughing.

" Step back Mr. Dylan you're scaring him." said Amelia.

Dylan stepped back. He was simply doing what Amelia asked him to do. Dylan had never been so obedient.

The puppy came out of the bushes. He was shaking because of the cold. Amelia's heart broke seeing him. She took him in her lap.

"You are going to be fine little guy."

Amelia said while caressing him.

She stood up holding the puppy in her arms.

" We have to take him to a vet. He is not in a good condition." Amelia said to Dylan.

"WHATTTT??" said Dylan.

Dylan thought that they only had to save the dog from cold but now she is asking him to take the dog to a vet.

"Is this girl mad?? Even if she is she's still mine." Dylan thought.

" ARE YOU DEAF ?? WHY DO I HAVE TO REPEAT MYSELF EVERYTIME..." she again yelled at Dylan.

No one has ever dared to talk to him like that. If it was anyone other than her, the person would have been dead by now.

"Fine. Get in the car. " said Dylan. He knew how stubborn Amelia was.

They took the puppy to the emergency in a veterinary hospital. The doctor took puppy in the room to check and closed the door.

Amelia started walking from left to right then right to left while keeping her head down. She was continuously talking to herself trying to relax herself.

Dylan was watching her resting his back on the wall.

"How can someone be so innocent ?? " he thought to himself. Amelia was looking like an innocent angel who is kind to everyone and can never think of hurting anyone.

Dylan came in front of her but she was so lost in herself that she couldn't see him and bumped into his hard chest.

"Ouch..." Amelia screamed.

She looked up directly into his beautiful dark brown eyes. Dylan held her by her shoulders softly

"Amelia just relax. I'm here with you okayyy you are not alone..." He tried to calm her. He could see worry and concern in her eyes. He was genuinely worried about her.

Amelia was about to say something but the doctor came and told them that the dog had fever. The doctor prescribed them some medicines and left.

Amelia went into room and took the dog. Then they left for home. In the car Amelia rested her head on the seat and closed her eyes she wanted to sleep. She was still caressing the puppy in her lap.

Soon the car reached Amelia's home. But she was asleep.

Dylan didn't want to wake her up but he had to.

"Amelia wake up...." Dylan whispered in her ear. Their faces were very close. He wanted to kiss her but he didn't.

Amelia slowly opened her eyes. Seeing Dylan so close to her, she was embarrassed.

"I don't remember when I slept I'm so sorry. " Amelia said in a sleepy voice.

" It's okay..." replied Dylan.

"Thank you so much Mr. Dylan. Good night..."

saying this she left the car holding the puppy and her stuff in her hands.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh my cute, little, innocent baby girl....I can't wait to hold you in my arms."

Dylan said to himself inwardly.

Dylan's car didn't move until Amelia entered her house and closed the door.


Author's Note:

Hello everyone.

I will update one more chapter today. Don't forget to give feedback.

Thank you !!
