Amelia felt secure after getting a message from Chloe. The remainder of the day was busy.

It was almost time for lunch, so Amelia went to Kaylee's cabin because she didn't want to see Chloe by herself. She and Kaylee went over to Chloe's department together.

Chloe's been busy. It was after she had finished with her last patient, she saw Kaylee and Amelia standing.

" We're going to have lunch at Cafe Aylanto. "

Chloe said. She was still not talking to

Amelia properly.

Soon they reached the cafe, it was just 5 minutes away from the hospital.

It was Amelia's favourite cafe. They sat on the corner at a table and called the waiter.

The waiter noted their order and left.

" Chloe, I am so sorry. I didn't want to hurt you. Please forgive me the love of my life..... "

Amelia pleaded, making a sweet puppy face.

Chloe chuckled after seeing her cute antics and said, “ Fine. I forgive you, but from now on, do not keep anything from me. ”

" I promise I won't. "