Amaa closed her eyes tightly, turning her face to the other side. It was the third day of her marriage, and she was about to be hit by her husband. WHAT A LUCK!!

After a few seconds, Amaa opened her eyes slowly. Dylan's hand was just a few inches away from her face, but he didn't hit her. She was sighing with relief. She was smiling at him. He looked like a mess. He had been breathing heavily. His eyes had blood on them. His body was

stretched, his veins clear.

Slowly, Amaa grasped his arm with her trembling hands and pulled it away from her face. Amaa was hugging Dylan. His heart was pounding very hard, and she could feel it. She rubbed his back.

Dylan wasn't hugging her. After a couple of minutes of hugging, she separated herself from Dylan.

She took his hands in her hands, took him to the couch, and made him sit down.