After getting home, Amaa texted Chloe.

"I got home," Amaa messaged Chloe.

"Okay sweetie," Chloe responded.

With the help of Ms. Ruby, Amaa set up the room for Archie. Archie was just jumping around the room. He really liked the new space.

Amaa and Ms. Ruby went to the kitchen and Amaa helped Ms. Ruby preparing the dinner.

Archie followed Amaa everywhere she had gone. After helping Ms. Ruby, Amaa went to the garden to play with Archie.

Dylan came home, the first thing he heard when he came in was Amaa's laugh from the garden. He went to the garden and saw that Amaa was playing with Archie.

He smiled at her.

"How did you get home?" Dylan asked Amaa.

Amelia shuddered to hear his voice, she didn't realize he was behind her.

Amaa hadn't replied for a few seconds.

"Chloe dropped me home," Amaa responded. She was lying to him even though she knew that she was really bad at lying.