She couldn't believe her eyes, she was frozen in her spot. There were many marks of
cuts and bruises on his back.
Dylan realized that Amelia was right behind her. He could sense her presence.
He understood what she was thinking about.
Slowly, Amaa came to him. Right now, she had so many questions coming to her mind.
Amelia was perplexed.
She touched Dylan's back with the tips of her finger. Dylan had not reacted.
These marks were scars of bruises and cuts made by various items, lasting permanently on his body.
Dylan turned to her, but Amaa didn't look at me. Her eyes were on his perfectly built
chest, and abs now, there were no marks here.
Dylan lifted her chin. Amelia was trying to say something, but she had lost her words.
She didn't know what to ask.
"Don't worry, these scars are very old," Dylan said. He realized she was shocked and
worried about him.
She looked at him. She had tears in her eyes.
"DO THESE WOUNDS STILL HURT YOU?" Amelia asked with concern.