Her new Boss

Next day, she had a severe headache because of lack of sleep and continuous crying.

but she woke up early and got ready to go to her office as it's a important day for her.

She wore a pink colour Anarkali suit with matching bangles and Earrings .

she side braided her hair in front, and she was looking stunning.

she hailed a taxi to go to office and was little tensed because she heard that their new CEO will be discussing with the technical team today on some project.

Pooja was responsible for the presentation, so she was little nervous.

When she reached her office, she could feel the stress in the environment as everyone came to know that their new boss is very tough and strict.

Soon, a black Audi stood in front of RR technologies and a very handsome man in a black suit got down from it and entered the premises.

His secretary Anand followed him.

All the employees greeted him, but because of his strong aura made him unapproachable.

He directly went to presentation room, where the entire high level technical team was waiting for him.

As soon as he entered he saw Pooja there , he was stunned to see her, but he didn't express his emotion on his face, and straight away went to occupy his chair.

Pooja was equally stunned, she didn't expect to see Raghav as her new boss.

Very soon her technical head asked Pooja to start her presentation.

she controlled her emotions and started her presentation on the new project, technology for agriculture.

Raghav was much impressed and gave her some suggestions very professionally and they both behaved as if they don't know each other.

Pooja came back to her cabin and she felt like resigning because she can't face him every day.

She was struggling mentally when she received a call that CEO Raghav wants to meet her.

Pooja got up from her seat , inhaled deeply and walked towards Raghav's room.

"knock Knock"

Come in- A familiar voice came from inside.

Pooja went inside and stood in front of Raghav.

Raghav: Happy to see you working here Pooja ( he was very excited and happy inwards )

Pooja: may I know the reason for calling me

Raghav: you first sit Pooja

Pooja: I am fine , thank you

Raghav went to the coffee vendor machine in his office and made two cups of coffee, He offered one cup to Pooja

she didn't took the cup

Pooja: it doesn't sound good if a CEO calling his employee to drink coffee with him.

Raghav: Before a CEO and a employee we two are friends Pooja

Pooja: Correction Mr. CEO we are not friends, we used to be, I think we left that relationship long back.

Raghav: ok then, I order you as a boss to drink coffee ☕ with me.

knock knock

excuse me sir, Anand ,Raghav's secretary entered into the room, and was stunned to see his boss offering a coffee to a girl.

" god am I dreaming"

This person has always been cold towards girls, he never allowed any girl around him, how can he fell for this girl.

sir, we have a appointment with kuber industries, we may be late if we don't start now.

Pooja: I think I have to leave now, Mr.CEO please excuse me.

she said that and left the room.

Mr.CEO , nice Pooja , soon I will make you Mrs CEO. Raghav smiled and said to himself.