Chapter 10: Flashback-1

Pooja's POV

He found me that I am Gudiya, I deserve the name Miss dumbhead, how can I fell into his trap.

she was in her thoughts,when Aarthi interrupted her...

Aarthi: Pooja, can I ask you something..

Pooja: Hmm, what is it Aarthi??

Aarthi: I know you have someone in your heart, who is he?? Do you still like him?? and why are you avoiding Raghav??

Pooja took a long breath an said, it was in past Aarthi, there's nothing now..

Aarthi: I want to know what happened in the past, I still feel it's effecting your present...

I always see you sad , share your feelings Pooja you will feel relaxed..

trust me, I will not share this with anyone, I promise.

Pooja : Hey Aarthi, you need not to say that, I trust you.

Aarthi: then tell me, what happened??

Pooja sighed and shared her past with Aarthi...

on the other hand, Raghav was also remembering his past with Pooja..

***** Flashback******