Wedding gift

Next day morning,when Pooja woke up, Raghav was still sleeping, she took a bath and went into the kitchen and saw cook started preparing the breakfast..

She went into the Puja room, did the daily prayer and came out..

She saw Raghav coming towards the dining room, She served breakfast to him, her head was still hung low, she wanted to dig hole and hide in it..

Do you want to go late to office? Raghav asked??

No, said Pooja

then why are you not eating, come sit and eat..

Pooja nodded and sat in front of him..

Both of them finished their break fast and he said come along with me..

Pooja creased her eyebrows and quietly followed him..

He took her to the garage, where she saw a new car...

Pooja: This is not your type of car, why did you buy it? Pooja asked

Raghav: It's for you, you need not to travel in buses anymore..

Pooja: For me!! But How can I take it??

Raghav: What's the problem in this car??