Visit to hospital

A week passed, we all were busy with wedding preparations and I received a call from Neha..

Pooja , Neha screamed in lot of excitement..

Neha, you will give me heart attack for sure, tell me what happened

Pooja, I am pregnant.. Neha was excited to announce the news..

My eyes widened when I heard her, OMG Neha, seriously ,now it was my turn to scream..

Ok ok, listen, Abhinav is out of town, I have to go to hospital for my first checkup now, can you please come with me, Neha asked..

Of course Neha, why not tell me the time , I will come to your home

Hey that's fine, you can directly come to the hospital, Neha said...

I agreed to that ,went to my MIL to inform her about me going to hospital with Neha..

She felt happy and said, very soon I too want to hear good news from you Pooja.

I blushed,smiled and nodded..

I left from there to the hospital, Neha called me to .