Nisha, couldn't sit still, so she slowly walked towards the house, it was a very big place and house was very far from the gate, as gate was not locked she entered the area , saw two people who brought Nisha here facing towards opposite direction and smoking , taking the opportunity ,she slowly walked around the house, and saw a window which was little open.
She slowly opened the window, and saw no one there, she thought for a while and entered the house through the window. She didn't know where Nisha is,she has to fetch her first.
When she entered the room ,she saw a door and when she opened it, she saw no one, and slowly walked in side the house.
She could hear Nisha's sobbing from the next room, She heard the door opening from inside, so she quickly hid behind the door through which she entered.
She turned around and saw the man going into another room ,taking the opportunity ,she ran towards Nisha's room.