Everyone looked to where the gunshot came from and froze Luke and jacob leading an insanely amount of cops,Liliana sunk further looking for a hole to hide in 'why so dramatic ivin'

"Tell your men to back away Andy you are under arrest for the murder of mrs Stella Williams"Luke shouted pointing a gun at Andy and he did as told,just then Ivin made his grand entrance scrutinizing the place vividly with narrowed eyes his only concern was the woman lying on the ground

"You okay"he asked liliana softly and she nodded,carefully he picked her up and carried her bridal style "Kill him for me and make sure you find his brother I don't care what it takes" his tone was cold and deadly just like the all black outfit he was wearing Liliana thought to herself and snuggled more close to his body.

"Aren't you praising me for my bravery"she whispered against his neck,Ivin only rolled his eyes and put her in his car and took the keys from stan