After changing her clothes she stood in front of the mirror,the black sweatpants and white long sleevedd shirt looks good on her

"So comfy"she smiled and tied her wet hair in a bun and went back down only to find Ivin waiting for her wearing exactly what she was wearing 'wow matching clothes' she giggled to herself,

"You look lovely"he took her hand,Liliana shyly took his for one thing the shirt he had on was showing his bare chest she couldn't look at him

"Thanks I must say you look handsome Mr Ivin"she has to get herself together or she's gonna do something unlady like,throwing herself on him seriously how can he look so hot and cute 'this can't be happening'

"So come I prepared something good outside but you can't go out there so let's do something in the kitchen"he has prepared everything today no hservants are allowed except for Stan

"Cooking...I love it can you make lasagna"she started taking ingredients out of the shelves