The Curse

When Herman was busy on observing little Albia, someone else was already behind her who was no one else than Knox. Herman was triggered with a thought that the little girl isn't safe in the lands of immortals.

So brushing off all his thoughts, he decided to get her back safe to the place where she belonged to. Knox was searching for Albia when he found out Herman walking out of the forest towards the land of mortals, to the human world.

Herman sensed enemies presence around him, Knox who was thinking of a way to get Albia was aware that defeating Herman wouldn't be so easy. So he used up his evil mind and appeared in front of Herman blocking his way.

"Leave my way Knox." He ordered.

"Sure, but before that, hand the baby girl to me." He sneered.

"No way, this little child is innocent and should be back to the place where she actually belongs." He roared.